Deprecated MNXref IDs graph |
Identifier | Description |
rhea:14621 rheaR:14621 | 1 chebi:15441@rheaC:comp <?> 1 chebi:16521@rheaC:comp |
seed.reaction:rxn02290 seedR:rxn02290 | (S)-2,3-Epoxysqualene mutase (cyclizing, lanosterol-forming) (3S)-2,3-epoxy-2,3-dihydrosqualene mutase (cyclizing, lanosterol-forming) (S)-2,3-epoxysqualene mutase (cyclizing, lanosterol-forming) 2,3-epoxysqualene lanosterol cyclase 2,3-oxidosqualene cyclase 2,3-oxidosqualene sterol cyclase 2,3-oxidosqualene-lanosterol cyclase Lanosterol synthase R03199 lanosterol 2,3-oxidosqualene cyclase lanosterol synthase oxidosqualene cyclase oxidosqualene-lanosterol cyclase squalene 2,3-epoxide:lanosterol cyclase squalene epoxidase-cyclase squalene-2,3-oxide-lanosterol cyclase 1 seedM:cpd00776@seedC:0 = 1 seedM:cpd01188@seedC:0 |
kegg.reaction:R03199 keggR:R03199 | (S)-2,3-Epoxysqualene mutase (cyclizing, lanosterol-forming) (S)-2,3-Epoxysqualene <=> Lanosterol 1 keggC:C01054@IN <=> 1 keggC:C01724@IN |
rhea:14622 rheaR:14622 | 1 chebi:15441@rheaC:comp --> 1 chebi:16521@rheaC:comp |
rhea:14623 rheaR:14623 | 1 chebi:15441@rheaC:comp <-- 1 chebi:16521@rheaC:comp |
rhea:14624 rheaR:14624 | 1 chebi:15441@rheaC:comp <=> 1 chebi:16521@rheaC:comp |
sabiork.reaction:3027 sabiorkR:3027 | 3027 1 sabiorkM:5375@IN = 1 sabiorkM:5753@IN |
bigg.reaction:LNSTLS biggR:LNSTLS | Lanosterol synthase 1 biggM:lanost@biggC:c = 1 biggM:Ssq23epx@biggC:c |
bigg.reaction:LNSTLSr biggR:LNSTLSr | Lanosterol synthase 1 biggM:lanost@biggC:r = 1 biggM:Ssq23epx@biggC:r |
seed.reaction:rxn20024 seedR:rxn20024 | oxidosqualene-lanosterol cyclase (3S)-2,3-epoxy-2,3-dihydrosqualene mutase (cyclizing, lanosterol-forming) (S)-2,3-Epoxysqualene mutase (cyclizing, lanosterol-forming) (S)-2,3-epoxysqualene mutase (cyclizing, lanosterol-forming) 2,3-epoxysqualene lanosterol cyclase 2,3-oxidosqualene cyclase 2,3-oxidosqualene sterol cyclase 2,3-oxidosqualene-lanosterol cyclase LANOSTEROL-SYNTHASE-RXN.m Lanosterol synthase lanosterol 2,3-oxidosqualene cyclase lanosterol synthase oxidosqualene cyclase squalene 2,3-epoxide:lanosterol cyclase squalene epoxidase-cyclase squalene-2,3-oxide-lanosterol cyclase 1 seedM:cpd00776@seedC:0 = 1 seedM:cpd01188@seedC:0 |
seed.reaction:rxn20025 seedR:rxn20025 | oxidosqualene-lanosterol cyclase (3S)-2,3-epoxy-2,3-dihydrosqualene mutase (cyclizing, lanosterol-forming) (S)-2,3-Epoxysqualene mutase (cyclizing, lanosterol-forming) (S)-2,3-epoxysqualene mutase (cyclizing, lanosterol-forming) 2,3-epoxysqualene lanosterol cyclase 2,3-oxidosqualene cyclase 2,3-oxidosqualene sterol cyclase 2,3-oxidosqualene-lanosterol cyclase LANOSTEROL-SYNTHASE-RXN.r Lanosterol synthase lanosterol 2,3-oxidosqualene cyclase lanosterol synthase oxidosqualene cyclase squalene 2,3-epoxide:lanosterol cyclase squalene epoxidase-cyclase squalene-2,3-oxide-lanosterol cyclase 1 seedM:cpd00776@seedC:0 = 1 seedM:cpd01188@seedC:0 |
bigg.reaction:R_LNSTLS bigg.reaction:R_LNSTLSr biggR:R_LNSTLS biggR:R_LNSTLSr | secondary/obsolete/fantasy identifier |
MNXR145452 | is deprecated and replaced by this entry |
MNXR101117 | is deprecated and replaced by this entry |
MNXR3256 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR101117 |
MNXR62006 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR101117 |
MNXR83209 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR101117 |
MNXR101117 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR145452 |