Deprecated MNXref IDs graph |
Identifier | Description |
rhea:29755 rheaR:29755 | 1 chebi:83088@rheaC:in <?> 1 chebi:83088@rheaC:out |
rhea:29756 rheaR:29756 | 1 chebi:83088@rheaC:in --> 1 chebi:83088@rheaC:out |
rhea:29757 rheaR:29757 | 1 chebi:83088@rheaC:in <-- 1 chebi:83088@rheaC:out |
rhea:29758 rheaR:29758 | 1 chebi:83088@rheaC:in <=> 1 chebi:83088@rheaC:out |
bigg.reaction:EX_lipoate_e biggR:EX_lipoate_e | Lipoate exchange 1 biggM:lipoate@BOUNDARY = 1 biggM:lipoate@biggC:e |
bigg.reaction:EX_lipt_e biggR:EX_lipt_e | Lipoate exchange 1 biggM:lipt@BOUNDARY = 1 biggM:lipt@biggC:e |
bigg.reaction:LIPOtex biggR:LIPOtex | Lipoate transport via diffusion (extracellular to periplasm) 1 biggM:lipoate@biggC:p = 1 biggM:lipoate@biggC:e |
bigg.reaction:LIPOtm biggR:LIPOtm | Lipoate transport(mitochondrial) 1 biggM:lipoate@biggC:m = 1 biggM:lipoate@biggC:c |
bigg.reaction:LIPOt biggR:LIPOt | Lipoate transport 1 biggM:lipoate@biggC:c = 1 biggM:lipoate@biggC:e |
seed.reaction:rxn29146 seedR:rxn29146 | TRANS-RXN0-278.cp 1 seedM:cpd14958@seedC:1 = 1 seedM:cpd14958@seedC:0 |
metacyc.reaction:TRANS-RXN0-278 metacycR:TRANS-RXN0-278 | TRANS-RXN0-278 1 metacycM:LIPOIC-ACID@cco:CCO-OUT --> 1 metacycM:LIPOIC-ACID@cco:CCO-IN |
bigg.reaction:R_EX_lipoate_e bigg.reaction:R_EX_lipt_e bigg.reaction:R_LIPOt bigg.reaction:R_LIPOtex bigg.reaction:R_LIPOtm biggR:R_EX_lipoate_e biggR:R_EX_lipt_e biggR:R_LIPOt biggR:R_LIPOtex biggR:R_LIPOtm | secondary/obsolete/fantasy identifier |
MNXR145441 | is deprecated and replaced by this entry |
MNXR101092 | is deprecated and replaced by this entry |
MNXR138302 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR101092 |
MNXR98715 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR101092 |
MNXR82574 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR101092 |
MNXR101092 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR145441 |